The South Milwaukee Leos Club started forming in fall of 2011 and was officially chartered in May 2012 during a particularly special 75th Anniversary year for the South Milwaukee Lions. The South Milwaukee Leo Club is a volunteer service club open to high school and middle school age-teens. Students who graduate and move on to college within the Milwaukee area are welcomed to stay involved in SM Leos as available. A membership application and photo release form must be signed by both the teen participant and parent/guardian (if under 18) to be in SM Leos; there is a one-time joining fee of $5. Our meetings are held every other Tuesday of the month in Mrs. Braier’s room at South Milwaukee High School, 3 pm. Please contact smleos75@gmail.com for more information.
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The concept of Leos Clubs began in 1957 with the first club started by baseball Coach Jim Graver at Abington High School, Pennsylvania. The original acronym and motto for Leos was “Leadership, Equality, Opportunity”, and has since then been changed to “Leadership, Experience, Opportunity”. Leo Clubs were officially included as part of Lions Club International ten years later in 1967. The purpose of the program is to have youth serving their community with potential for development of leadership skills. Officer positions within the club include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer.
Check out some of the fun ways we’ve recently served the community!
Sponsored 50% off popcorn sales to support SM High School Special Education Department and volunteered with students in the Special Education program to assist with lunchtime popcorn sales
Fire hydrant painting in South Milwaukee
Movie Nights to support the Fisher House of Milwaukee & Foreign Language Scholarships
Hosting craft/activity room at Lions Egg Hunt & Breakfast
Collecting eyeglasses at Milwaukee Admirals game